Many financial planners now recommend against ever fully paying off your home loan. 现在许多理财专家不建议人们把住房贷款全部还清。
Mortgage rates could hit record lows, but getting approved for a home loan in the first place is another issue for many with underwater mortgages or bad credit. 按揭利率可能创下历史低位,但对于很多持有“负资产”按揭或信用评级不佳的个人,首先房贷能不能获批就是个问题。
In part, the cuts in its mortgage unit signal that the bank believes the worst of its home loan problems are behind it. 一方面,抵押贷款部门裁员意味着摩根大通相信住房贷款问题的最坏阶段已经过去。
It does appear that getting a home loan became much tougher after the financial crisis, though many would argue it was too loose before it. 确实,金融危机爆发之后,要获得一笔住房贷款看起来要比过去困难得多,但也有很多人认为,金融危机前的贷款标准可能过于宽松了。
When I needed collateral to secure a home loan, he helped me. 当我需要抵押品来担保一笔家庭贷款时,是他帮助了我。
This time, he spoke and took questions from a crowd in Fort Myers, Florida-a city with the nation's highest rate of home loan foreclosures. 佛罗里达州的迈尔斯堡是美国全国住房失赎率最高的城市。在这里,奥巴马总统不但向民众发表了讲话,还当场回答了人们提出的问题。
Other short-term goals include creating a group to set rules for the home loan industry. 其它短期目标包括建立一个制定房贷业规章的工作组。
What are your home loan interest rates? 你住房贷款的利率是多少?
This should help to bring down their funding costs and ease mortgage rates on the loans they guarantee – the only functioning part of the US home loan industry following the freezing up of the subprime and jumbo ( large denomination loan) markets. 这应有助于降低它们的融资成本和它们所担保贷款的抵押贷款利率。自次贷及大额贷款市场冻结后,两房担保的贷款成为美国房贷业唯一仍在继续运转的环节。
Optimism about the home loan plan remained in place Friday, but it was countered by ongoing questions about the other government initiatives. 对于房屋贷款计划的乐观情绪在周五的市场中仍然存在,但是它的作用被政府其他政策持续存在的疑虑所掩盖。
It is important for you to be aware of what these different type of home loan interest rates encompass and also know which one would be suitable to your needs and circumstances. 这是非常重要的,你必须了解这些不同类型的居所贷款利息,也知道其中包含将适合你的需要和情况。
A third round of QE, or qe3, is expected to target the purchase of mortgages to drive home loan borrowing costs lower. 第三轮量化宽松预计将以购买抵押贷款、以推动住房贷款利息走低为目标。
What is the tax treatment for the couple in relation to home loan interest deduction? 就该对夫妇的居所贷款利息扣除在税务上怎样处理?
The lack of significant upward movement may simply be signaling that everybody who can qualify for a new home loan already has one. 对重大的向上运动缺乏的可能只是信号,大家都谁可以为新的住房贷款资格已经有了一个。
You can get a fixed-rate, 30-year home loan with an interest rate of4.1%. 你可以借到一笔利率为4.1%的30年期固定利率房屋贷款。
He claims basic allowance of100000 and home loan interest deduction of100000. 他申索100000的基本免税额及100000的居所贷款利息扣除。
Federal Home Loan Bank Board 联邦住宅贷款银行委员会
People just want to get a home loan or get their tax refund or their paycheck. 人们只想得到房子贷款,或得到退税或他们的薪水。
Are the children eligible to claim deduction of the home loan interest paid? 子女是否符合资格申索扣除所缴付的居所贷款利息?
He urged the government to intervene by cutting interest rates sharply and offering tax incentives to rescue a sector facing tumbling prices and a sharp fall in home loan applications. 他呼吁印度政府通过大幅降息并提供税收优惠进行干预,以拯救面对房价暴跌和住房贷款申请数量急剧下降的房地产业。
What would be the tax treatment for the home loan interest deduction under personal assessment? 在以个人入息课税方式评税下有关居所贷款利息扣除在税务上怎样处理?
The number of US prime borrowers behind on home loan payments has risen sharply, signalling further problems for banks and investors. 美国优质房贷借款人的断供率急剧上升,预示着银行和投资者面临进一步问题。
Besides national network for home loan information, there has been no such nationwide system for property ownership as the data are managed in cities where the houses were bought or sold. 此前,除银行个人信贷征信系统全国联网外,房屋权属信息在各城市间并不联网,房屋权属信息均采用属地管理原则。
In normal circumstances, the taxpayer is entitled to the deduction of the home loan interest paid by him. 在一般情况下,该纳税人可获得扣除他所缴付的居所贷款利息。
Now is a great time to take advantage of home loan financial services and resources available online. 现在是一个伟大的时间,以利用房贷的金融服务和资源,可以在网上获得。
Intriguingly, this will also be available to the12 Federal Home Loan Banks. 值得注意的是,同样的政策也适用于12家联邦住宅贷款银行。
One of the hurdles of a no money down home loan is the additional cost of private mortgage insurance. 其中的一个障碍就是没有钱的额外成本下跌家私人贷款抵押保险。
Then Congress created a competitor: the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Association, or Freddie Mac. 然后,国会又设立了其竞争对手,即联邦住房抵押贷款公司(房地美)。